Sunday, January 6, 2019

BAck to my Smartphone

To those who watch my youtube channel, sorry, I have converted back to my smartphone but NOT Verizon and NOT that high price bill plan. I am still with cricket and I pay $35 month. I am not anti technology, I am antiHIGH phone bills! That's it for now. Visit my youtube channel.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Switching from Smartphone to dumb flip phone

I had been contemplating this decision for many a day! It was not until Dec 31, 2017 at 9:30pm that I decided to start my new year off with a flip phone. UP until this point my smart phone had been keeping me up all night watching youtube videos etc.  And not only to top it off, if I would be late with one bill Verizon would treat me poorly with harassment. I was paying $180 but my bill was always more than $200 plus a month.  Ive been a loyal customer since 2005.  It always seem like I had to pay the higher bill. Now I am tired and fed up.  I will not pay outrages fees any longer for my phone in the new year. I could switch over to a cheaper flip phone but since I have my mother on my plan and she has a smart phone I don’t wont to take her fun away.

I look forward to the days of not sleeping with my smartphone, constantly checking it, constantly looking at its nightly glare as it looks back at me.  I want to rest at night. I want to walk the streets in the day without looking down at my smartphone. Id prefer to use my computer for all the social media updates, such as twitter. No longer do I need to get the perfect picture/video anymore.  Maybe now I will actually experience events as they happen. Everything doesn’t need to be memorialized. 
Now how will I navigate without google maps, I'll use an atlas. What about uber in Oakland, CA. I'll rent a car or use transit or bike. Many things I'll have to figure out now since I don't have those apps.  Happy New Year, 2018!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Rachel from the Bachelorette, so sad

I was forced to watch the first episode of this show and here are my thoughts.  Cornballs is all that came to mind.
I have a question, if this was the first season for a black contestant, why was it that, the only black men on the show carried the title of "cornball" except one.  Sorry, if throughout the show these guys personality changed, but I am going off of first impressions. Those were cornballs all except one guy. The End.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

It is stupid to buy a BRand New Vehicle, EVER!!!

I had to do it!  Yes, I had to get rid of my truck note, It was killing my wealth.  According to Dave Ramsey, having a car note is the first thing that needs to go when trying to become debt free.  But, this was not an easy feat. I was $10,000 upside down on my truck note!  I prayed earnestly to God for a solid year asking God for the opportunity to get this money to pay off the difference. 


A bit of history, I got the truck the day before thanksgiving in 2015. Why I did that, I do not know. I was very impressed with my negotiating skills I suppose.  I had been wanting to get a Toyota tundra since 2008, and I felt as if the time for me to have my truck had come.  WRONG!  It is never the right time to get stuck in a high car note.  My note was $702/month and $200 insurance for a total of $902/month.  I can’t afford that, what was I thinking?  Every month Id watch Dave Ramsey and try to plan my budget.  I prayed with fervor that I could get the money to get out of this truck note. God finally answered my prayer!!!

The answer to my prayers came in the form of a Nursing strike in Minnesota!  Thank you, Minnesota; you have been good to me!  The money I made on that strike allowed me to get out of two financial holes I had dug myself in.  Both debts were $10,000 each.  Thank God for Minnesota! 

Fast forward to last week.  Well last week I wanted to sell my truck for the quote that was originally given. In June I was offered $30,000 for my truck, last week I was offered $27,000, 28,000, and finally 29,000. The $29,000 came from another Toyota dealer surprisingly!  A bit of advice, if you purchase a brand new truck, do not expect to sell it back for a good/righteous price. Everyone is out to make a dollar. Remember that! 

Don’t by items you can’t pay cash for!  I wish I had listen to my own advice. Im sad that I actually signed the lease and I am happy that God made a way out of it.  These days I am going to buy a bike first then I will buy a cheap vehicle for emergencies. If you don't have the cash to buy an item, don't buy the item!

Also, I tried to sell the truck on craigslist for an entire year. NO luck, only people trying to scheme you and hustle, “time wasters.”  I might do a youtube video on this one.  It feels so good to not have to come up with that car note money before the 9th of each month. I am very happy though!!!!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Changing my life through Minimalism!

I would like to talk about how I plan on changing my life through minimalism. I can’t say that I am a true minimalist but I do subscribe to the philosophy. I love the fact that getting rid of clutter is a lifestyle. But, what I want to do is learn how I can apply the healthy eating to my life style and also decreasing debt. I will become accountable to my audience and post weekly or daily on my progress.  My goals are as follow:

 1. Continue to educate myself on minimalism, 2. Lose about 100LBs  3. Get out of debt.  I believe if I can achieve all these goals my quality of life will improve.  Debt causes one to work more hours than necessary.  And the eating out at fast food places is detrimental to the mind and body.  So if I have anyone that is interested in doing this with me let me know. I will let May 24, 2016 be my start day to achieve my goals.  I will post and be accountable daily if I can on my progress.