Showing posts with label Get. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Work Hard, get Ahead! "Truth or Myth?"

If you had asked me around the year of 2005 if I liked “working hard” I would have given you a polite, “ELLh NAW,” because I didn't curse back then. It is only recently in my life that I have taken the time to decipher this term, “working Hard.” The term “hard work” has become a negative phrase.

It seems we have become so entitled, that we start believing we DESERVE to be rich? This is funny to me, because I too was apart of this entitled philosophy. Even the poorest Americans suffer from entitlement issues. The middle class, if there still is one, has become angry because they say the rich are getting greeder. I believe this is true for the rich, the middle class, and the poor in America. Everyone expects to be given financial freedom without “working hard.” I have grown to appreciate “hard work.” It is a delightful pleasure to me these days to know that I can accomplish anything I want through “hard work.” God rested on the seventh day!

You Can't Give Up on Working Hard:
You say, “Leon, I am angry about the hand I was dealt, and this hard work babble you speak of is not true, look at lottery winners, etc, etc.” I understand there are a few people who luck up but you are not that person! So if you are not that person, then what do you have left? You have “hard work.” What happens if you give up on “working hard?” If you give up on it then you will become poorer and weaker! I personally cannot afford to give up on the term, “working hard.” Giving up would make me to cynical which would only impede my progress. There are people who don't have the luxury of complaining and giving up; because they need to eat, they shake their heads at your spoiled and entitled attitude!

It takes time to get wealthy:
Never avoid “hard work.” It teaches you things you'd never learn if avoided. Hard work is a seed you plant, and very few people understand this concept. The bible says, “study the ant, you sluggard!” So remember, if you ever get negative feelings and think that your hard work is not paying off just remember, what else do you have if you give up on hard work? Its a slow process to gain financial freedom when you choose hard work as the pathway!
Approved by: @TerrellAsh

Monday, October 15, 2012


How about this, I will continue to live the Dream and you can continue living reality.  How many times must I write a blog to inspire and light the fire for you dear friend.  Do not let someone’s opinion of YOU, define YOU!!  Don’t listen!!!  Shut the front GATE!!  If you want to do something in life, get "NIKED" and just DO It!!   
I heard a woman say, her job was paying her just enough money to keep her from quitting and she was doing just enough work to not get fired.  That is a funny statement.  Change can only take place when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I heard another story of a man who was walking past a house; and there was dog on the front porch moaning and groaning in pain.  The man asked the owner, why is your dog moaning and groaning in pain.  The owner said that the dog was sitting on a nail.  He asked the owner why the dog was not moving off the nail.  The owner said that it must not be hurting him bad enough.  Such is life. Live life my friends and ignore the buzz!!

This I has been a positive message from Leon TERRELL Ash