Like I said, the light up ahead
was green, so my speed continued as it
was, AT that very moment, I saw in my right peripheral vision up near the intersection that the white
trucks speed was going way to fast to stop at the RED light. That trucks
speed and my speed were in sync, Synced
so perfectly that the only thing that could have happened would have been a
perfect T-bone collision.
And surely the impact of that collision would have been “A DONE DOTTA” for me. But God allowed me to see this negative plot unfold, I SLAMMED my BRAKES eVER so VIOLently, TIRES screeching and HORNS blowing!!!! Once again, God had spared
my life on these dangerous highways. Amazing!!! And again I say, “Thank you Lord!!!”
Another Day for Leon Terrell Ash.
wow,, you be careful driving Leon!! God bless you!