I hate to be Jimmy the downer, but I must speak on something
that has become a nuisance. I look on
facebook, and there again scrolls down a new post in my newsfeed from, “Brittle-MINDED;” describing how they are so in love
with this new person they have started dating; giving all these ACCOLADES, such as: “this person is the best thing that ever happen, etc, etc, blahze, blahze.” If I read another post like this,
I am going to slam someone’s front door!!!! Spare
me the temporary, Over-The-Top, infatuation of
another person. Has this person now
become your AIR and WIND?? And what
makes this so irritating is that the age of these people are greater than 27yrs
old; I am okay with young puppy love from people who are under the age of 27yrs.
Now, you may say, “Terrell are you hating
on the expression of LOVE?” My answer to
that question is, “HELLLLLLLL- yeah I am!!” “I don’t wanna - r e a d - t h a t - ISH!!”
Ps: And if this offends you then I must be talking about
YOU!! I apologize :( Leon Terrell Ash approves this
message. 12-12-12