Showing posts with label who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label who. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You married Jesus WHO???

I laugh today.  I heard a lady say, she was happy, because she was not married to an earthly man.  She then went on to say, she was married to Christ.  That’s funny to me.   Christ walked the earth 30 years and not once did he get married, but she would suppose that Christ is married to her as opposed to the church as a collective body.   And what makes this story even CRAZIER; she went to her MARRIED friends, who told her it was okay to continue in her insanity.

How can a single-person be so mentally blind.  If she had proper guidance and vision, she would see that her friends are enjoying their earthly husbands.  And not one of her friends would be willing to trade their earthly husband/marriage for her pretend marriage.  Single people tickle me. Being lonely and pretending to be married to Jesus does not fix loneliness; because if it did, then GOD wouldn’t have said these wonderful words,

 “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be ALONE; I will make him an help meet.”  Genesis 2:18.  
Stop the madness, Stop being STUPID, single-people. And stop letting married people convince you that your insanity will make you feel better, because I guarantee you, that no MARRIED person IS willing to trade their life with you!!!!
A message by Leon Terrell Ash